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Annotacion. According to scientists, producers of the clothing and regulatory documents, the lining materials are using for the manufacturing of the clothing must have complex properties for satisfy consumer needs. Lining fabrics protect the main material from wearing and tearing, help preserve and maintain the correct shape of clothing; hide the reverse side of the main fabric product. They are helping to store and maintain the correct shape of the clothing and hidding the reverse side of the main fabric product. In addition, the lining must have a certain surface thickness that mask the seams well. Lining materials should ensure the comfort of the wearing clothing and provide the product with greater wear resistance, to have low variability. Also, they do not resize after washing. The lining fabrics must have a good hygienic properties; do not cause allergies; absorb excess  moisture, should not be electrified. As well as lining fabrics have different color designs, an important indicator for them is the resistance dyeing to dry and wet friction, the action of the sweat, chemicals and cleaning, ironing, and other influences. Lining materials improve the appearance of the sewing product with the reverse side, ensure its good fit on the figure, accordingly, the lining should correspond the color scheme of the main material and fashion trends. The fabrics of the various purposes which are importing in Ukraine sometimes have dubious origin, low quality, falsified fiber composition, etc. The conducting research of the quality indicators clothing lining fabrics that are importing in Ukraine and establishing their quality level have important meaning for the clothing manufacturers who can rely on the algorithm of these studies. The research has done in the framework  of the scientific theme 0121U110650 Product quality and safety in domestic and foreign trade and trade entrepreneurship: modern vectors of the development and prospects. At the first stage of the analytical research, the main task is optimizing the nomenclature of the quality indicators lining fabrics. Based of the analysis regulatory documents has done the selection of the optimal nomenclature the quality indicators lining fabric with synthetic threads and it has established that the structure of the nomenclature with indicators such as fiber composition surface density; the number of the threads per 10 cm; breaking force; air permeability, that were explored instrumental methods.

The analysis of the results laboratory studies has established that the lining fabric with synthetic threads of the company «Wujiang Xinhuali Textile Co., Ltd» was made of the polyester fiber with a twill weave, its width is 150.0 cm; indicator of the surface density − 56 g/m2; the number of the threads per 10 cm on the basis − 370 pcs., on the weft − 358 pcs., breaking strength − on the basis 34 daN; on the weft 21 daN; breathability – 585 dm3/(m²s).

An expert study of the quality lining fabric with synthetic threads by the company «Wujiang Xinhuali Textile Co., Ltd» has established that its quality indicators correspond to DSTU GOST 20272-2002 and the accompanying documents.

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Author Biographies

O. KALASHNYK, Poltava State Agrarian University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of entrepreneurship and law

S. MOROZ, Poltava State Agrarian University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Law

O. KYRYCHENKO, Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»

candidate of technical sciences, acting associate professor of commodity science, biotechnology, expertise and customs affairs


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