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The aim of the article is to develop the improvement (modernization) strategies of the university canteen infrastructure using the SWOT-analysis method.

Methodology. The study was carried out using the SWOT-analysis method, the expert method and statistical methods of generalized experimental data, as well as the brainstorming method.

Results. In order to ensure the safety work of canteen employees and the safety stay of clients in canteen, as well as to produce safety products, the university canteen infrastructure must meet the norms and requirements of current regulatory documents. As a result of the study of university canteen infrastructure, advantages and disadvantages of infrastructure were determined, as well as potential external opportunities for infrastructure modernization and threats to infrastructure. The components of the university canteen infrastructure were analyzed such as: the canteen location, canteen volume-planning solution, water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, power supply, technological equipment and furniture, as well as communication, alarm, garbage disposal, and fire safety systems and ensuring proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the canteen. Using the expert method, the weighting coefficients of the canteen infrastructure components were determined. The importance of advantages and disadvantages for the canteen infrastructure components, as well as potential external opportunities and threats to its functioning, were assessed. Weighted assessments of the advantages and disadvantages of the canteen infrastructure, as well as opportunities and threats for its functioning, were calculated.

Practical significance. Strategies for improving (modernizing) the university canteen infrastructure were proposed, according to which the following is appropriate: to allocate a commercial space with a separate entrance from the street and install outdoor advertising; to install modern water and wastewater treatment systems, as well as modernize sewerage; to implement energy-saving technologies; to purchase an autonomous power source; to implement modern payment devices and interactive technologies (electronic menu, online ordering for delivery, etc.), as well as automated business management systems; to implement waste sorting; to install a modern fire safety system; to implement the HACCP system.

Keywords: canteen infrastructure, infrastructure modernization strategies, canteen infrastructure components, university canteen, SWOT-analysis, restaurant business establishment.

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How to Cite
DUDAREV, I., & SAY, V. (2023). SWOT-ANALYSIS OF RESTAURANT ESTABLISHMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE USING UNIVERSITY CANTEEN AS AN EXAMPLE. Tovaroznavchiy Visnik, 1(16), 47-62. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2310-5283-2023-17-4
Author Biographies

I. DUDAREV, Lutsk National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technologies and equipment of processing plants of the Lutsk National Technical University

V. SAY, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries of the Lutsk National Technical University


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