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The purpose. The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the systematization of trade establishments, taking into account the needs of consumers.

Methodology. When conducting research, the authors used the methods stipulated by the current state standards. We reviewed a number of sources of commodity science and economic literature, monitored and systematized the received data.

Results. In our opinion, the starting point for the systematization and classification of retail establishments should be the consumer's needs, which he satisfies when visiting retail outlets. For buyers, the area of the retail establishment is not important, because the width and depth of the assortment is important to them, the nature of the service process is not important, because there are already several of them today, and consumers are interested in the time spent on the purchase, they are not concerned about the level of competition, because value is important to them, which he receives for the funds spent.

It can be concluded that the classification of trade establishments, built on the orientation to satisfy the needs of consumers, will make it possible to unify all trade objects that exist on the market. According to the results of our research, the determining factor on the basis of which consumers most often decide to visit a particular retail facility is the time they are willing to spend on purchasing goods.

Scientific novelty. It has been established that the methodical approach to the systematization of trade establishments is important for local self-government bodies, as it allows them to correctly plan the territory of the city, calculate the required number of trade establishments, their structure and provision of trade areas in accordance with the needs of the population for urgent, planned and unique purchases, which can significantly increase the level of satisfaction of socio-economic needs.

Practical significance. The classification of retail trade networks is of great practical importance for running a business, because it will allow to improve the forecasting of the success of trade objects, the choice of a place for its placement, to adjust the assortment matrices, to determine the price policy adequate to the market situation and, in general, to be effectively positioned in the minds of consumers, which will contribute to increasing their competitiveness.

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How to Cite
PAKHOLIUK, E., SHEGINSKIY, O., & MARTIROSYAN, I. (2022). FEATURES OF THE SYSTEMATIZATION OF COMMERCIAL INSTITUTIONS TAKING CONSUMPTION NEEDS INTO ACCOUNT. Tovaroznavchiy Visnik, 2(15), 145-151. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2310-5283-2022-16-13
Author Biographies

E. PAKHOLIUK, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of commodity science and expertise in customs affairs

O. SHEGINSKIY, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of commodity science and expertise in customs affairs

I. MARTIROSYAN, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies

candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of commodity science and customs affairs


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