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The aim of the article is to determine the influence of a mixture of fruit and vegetable powders and flax seeds on the technological process, quality and nutritional value of craft baked goods.

Method. Physical and chemical, organoleptic, experimental and statistical methods were  used during the research. Experimental studies were performed according to developed industries methods on standardized equipment and devices.

The results. Bread and baked goods are almost the main food products in Ukraine, despite the decrease in their consumption in recent years. Consumers are demanding about the taste qualities of baked goods, their nutritional value and safety. The modern market of baked goods offers a fairly wide range of bread, which is constantly updated. Craft producers make bread and baked goods with the addition of whole grain and multigrain flour, as well as non-traditional raw materials, namely flax seeds, sunflower, chia, quinoa, legumes, nuts, berries, etc. Сraft bread producers also use composite mixtures of flour from various cereals: wheat, triticale, corn, oats as raw materials. In order to expand the assortment of craft baked goods for health purposes, recipes are being developed with the introduction of ingredients that contribute to increasing the content of dietary fibers, vitamins and microelements.

To expand the range of craft baked goods that can improve health, there are added ingredients that help increase dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements. These ingredients, introduced into the recipe of baked goods , activate yeast cells, contribute to the growth of the lifting force during the proofing of the dough and ensure good dimensional stability of the finished products. Mixture of fruit and vegetable powders and crushed flax seeds helps to increase shelf life extension of bread. The porosity and moisture content of the pulp of such products also changes depending on the ratio of the added ingredients. Baked goods with a mixture of fruit and vegetable powders and crushed flax seeds have good taste and excellent appearance. They are also enriched with vitamins and minerals and have a lower glycemic index compared to bakery products made from wheat flour without additives.

Practical significance. The research results showed us the influence of the mixture of fruit and vegetable powders and flax seeds on the technological process, quality and nutritional value of baked goods. It can be used in craft industries to expand the assortment of baked goodss for health purposes.

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Author Biographies

S. PANASYUK, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries

I. TARAIMOVYCH, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries


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