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Aim. Development of an improved technology for the production of summer sausages, the use of which will ensure an increase in the nutritional value of the product, reduction in the length of the product manufacturing process

Methodology. The general approach to the forming of the content and structure of the article is based on the formulation of requirements for raw materials, materials, finished products, the selection of technological equipment necessary for the implementation of work processes for manufacturing of the products, the development of research methods for raw materials, intermediate semi-finished products, adjuvant materials and finished products and analysis of the results of the conducted experimental studies.

Results. During the research work, in particular, an analysis of the production of summer sausages in Ukraine and the world was carried out. The analysis of this issue showed that summer sausages occupy a significant share in the assortment of meat processing products.

Along with this, the analysis of modern technologies showed that currently sausage manufacturers are largely directing their efforts to improving the technological process of product manufacturing. Namely, the main focus is on reducing the period of product manufacturing, giving sausage products a pleasant taste, ensuring the appropriate color of sausage products, extending the product sales period. Taking into account the conducted analysis, an improved technology for the production of summer sausages was suggested, the recipe of which involves the use of meat raw materials characterized by high quality indicators, as well as the addition of combined lard, cognac and starter culture. At the same time, in order to ensure a higher quality product for obtaining minced meat, three-time grinding of meat raw materials is used. Experimental studies were conducted according to the developed methodology. The analysis of the conducted research made it possible to determine the influence of the amount of grinding of raw materials on the dispersed composition of the obtained minced meat, as well as on their specific surface area.

Also, as a result of the conducted research, the influence of the surface area of minced meat on its moisture-retaining ability was established. The study of the indicators of the finished products confirmed the high organoleptic indicators of the finished products and it was established that the introduction of additives in the recipe should ensure a reduction in the production time of the products.

Scientific novelty. A new and improved technology for the production of summer sausages was developed, and the parameters of the minced meat and the manufactured finished product according to the proposed technology were studied.

Practical significance. Based on the analysis of the market of sausage products and technologies for the production of summer sausages, an improved technology for the production of products was proposed, which is of practical importance and the results of the conducted research can be used at meat processing enterprises to obtain a high-quality sausage product and intensify the processes of its production.

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Author Biographies

Y. HUNKO, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries

S. HOLIACHUK, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries

Y. FEDORUS, Lutsk National Technical University

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries


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