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The aim of the article is to formulate strategies for improving mayonnaise sauce with oat milk on the basis of expert evaluation and SWOT analysis in the direction of reducing its calorie content and enriching it with useful substances, in particular by using raw materials of plant origin, as well as developing strategies for bringing the product to the market.

Methodology. During the study, the expert method, qualitative methods and the SWOT analysis method were used, as well as statistical methods for processing experimental data.

Results. Mayonnaises have a high content of fat, flavors and other additives that are undesirable for the human body. Therefore, for researchers and manufacturers of sauce products, the developing products with reduced fat content and enriched with various nutrients of vegetable origin is an urgent task. The analysis of economic, marketing, social, technological and quality criteria, which determine the demand of the product in the market of sauces, made it possible to form strategies for improving the mayonnaise sauce with oat milk and bringing it to the market. As part of the priority strategies, it is proposed to replace egg products with beans in the sauce, which will reduce the fat content in the sauce, and to use sublimated fruit, vegetable or berry powder or their mixture as a useful additive, which will enrich the product with vitamins and other useful substances. In order to successfully introduce the improved product to the sauce market, it is suggested to inform restaurants, health food stores about the product and conduct an active advertising campaign among all segments of the consumers.

Practical significance. The implementation of the proposed strategies will allow producers to get a mayonnaise sauce with a low fat and calorie content, which will contain useful substances for the human body. All the components of the sauce have plant-based ingredients, so it is recommended for those who follow a healthy diet. The use of innovative ingredients that enrich the sauce with useful macro- and microelements makes it in demand among groups of consumers who have a deficiency of these elements in the body.

Keywords: mayonnaise sauce, oat milk, innovative sauce ingredients, low-calorie product, SWOT analysis, sauce market.

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How to Cite
DUDAREV, I., & KUZMIN, O. (2022). STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING MAYONNAISE SAUCE . Tovaroznavchiy Visnik, 2(15), 5-21.
Author Biographies

I. DUDAREV, Lutsk National Technical University

doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department of technologies and equipment of processing industries

O. KUZMIN, National University of Food Technologies

doctor of technical sciences, professor, professor of the department of technology of restaurant and Ayurvedic products


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